Call It Pussy Cat (Put it on the internet) was Feraliza's first exploration into the world of Feraltech, recorded in 2016 in a back shed in Stanthorpe, Queensland. Listening to it now, we can still appreciate the vibe we managed to capture with the limited technology available at the time. All the sounds on this track were recorded with a single, hand me down Shure SM58 mic.
The drum is actually a forty four gallon drum fire barrel. If you listen closely, you can still hear the soot on it. The bell is a crystal ashtray that was lying around, struck with a lighter.
The DAW used was Audacity.
We layered our own vocals and added an extra guitar track which was something we never could have done in our previous real time only model.
The very pinnacle of feral technological advancement at the time, this track captures the essence of feral life in binary form.
We didn't know anything at all about mastering back then, so turn it up!